Fancy Toast
Breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day. How many times have you heard this? One of my favorite things to make that is quick and satisfying is toast. It can be as simple as a slice of bread, but that's boring. Here is when you can be creative with your breakfast, take a piece of store bought or homemade bread, spread it with butter, cream cheese or mascarpone. Then add whatever you have lying around on top.
Here are a few of my favorites:
Toasted Ezekiel 4:9 Sesame Bread spread with Dijon Mustard. Topped with thinly sliced Apple. Sauteed Shallot and Kale. Over easy Egg. Sprinkled with Gruyere Cheese.
Fancy Toast w/ smoked salmon salad, beefsteak tomatoes and an overpriced avocado
a dash of paprika add a nice kick to any meal
Fancy Toast w/ cream cheese, avocado, navel orange sliced and macro-greens
Don't forget to add toasted sesame seed and salt crystals on top
Tomato really adds a wonderful burst of flavor as you bite into your toast
Just season tomato with salt pepper and a little EVOO, Add a hard boiled egg on top with a dash of paprika