
Welcome to my blog. Here, I post my love for cooking, gardening, interior decorating, and tending to our farm. Hope you have a nice stay!

Homemade Marmalade

Homemade Marmalade

I am not sure what is wrong with me, but my husband keeps reminding me to get jelly every time I go to the market. Hey Sharlene, we're out of jelly. I go food shopping. I forget the jelly. Damn it! Last week I just said the hell with it. I'm making my own.

Most of the recipes I found on the net call for Pectin , Lemon and tons of sugar but I'm like naaaah. First, what is Pectin? Basically it is a thickening agent that makes jelly jelly. Lemon, why would I had lemon to already a citusy fruit and I'm not looking for a Strawberry Lemon Marmalade. This recipe is so simple you will come to make it quite often. I make it about once a week, for the weekly toasts and PB&J's. 


1 pint of any berry, Strawberry, Blackberry, Blueberry or Raspberry

0-4tsp of Sugar

2 tsp of Water


  1. Wash berries
  2. If making strawberry, dice them. For Black, Blue or Rasp just add them to a small pot.
  3. Add 2 tsp of water
  4. Over medium-low heat stir berries and water for about 5min. You'll start to notice the juices excreting. Keep stirring to avoid burning for about 5 more minutes, blueberries will start to pop. Now, the pot should be filling up with more juices.  Use your spatula to crush the berries to help speed it along. 
  5. Start out with 1tsp of sugar, then add per your taste.
  6. The fruit will start to become very thick. If you try to push the contents of the pot to one side and it doesn't stay, keep cooking. Once you are able to push the contents over to one side and it stay, IT"S DONE!
  7. Put in small dipping dish and refrigerate.

Crabcake & Portobello Mushroom Salad

Crabcake & Portobello Mushroom Salad

Eggplant Curry

Eggplant Curry