
Welcome to my blog. Here, I post my love for cooking, gardening, interior decorating, and tending to our farm. Hope you have a nice stay!

Hawaiian Chicken

Hawaiian Chicken

What's better than something crunchy, sweet and tangy for dinner? I'm not sure where the sour comes into play but this Sweet & Sour Chicken with a kick is quick and easy. This is one of the first meals I had ever cooked for someone else and for some reason, I never made it again. I guess for me, being hungover in Astoria, it was always easier to just order it. Eh. Oh have the times changed. My first thought into remaking this dish was to grill it on the BBQ. I certainly didn't want to fire up the grill for 1 piece of chicken breast. I also wanted to retain the juices from the pineapple. Wouldn't they just fall through? I liked the idea, I just didn't know how to execute it. This is my on the spot recipe that hit my husbands 'favorite things to eat list'.

....serves 2-4 depending on your hunger


  • 1 Chicken Breast, diced

  • 8-10 mini Sweet Peppers, cut into thin strips

  • 1 Jalapeno Pepper (optional)

  • 1 half Spanish Onion

  • 1/4 tsp fresh Ginger, minced

  • 1/2 tsp Garlic Powder

  • 1 tbsp Cornstartch or Flour

  • 10oz bottle of La Choy Sweet and Sour Sauce

  • 1 cup of fresh Diced Pineapple

  • 1 1/2 cups of Basmati Rice

  • Salt and Pepper

  • Cilantro for garnish (optional)


  1. Make the rice as per instructions.

  2. Take out Chicken Breast and slice into small chunks. Season with Salt and Pepper. Add 1tbsp Cornstarch or Flour. Mix to combine. Add 1-2 tbsp of sauce and combine evenly. Let marinate.

  3. Meanwhile cut up the vegetables. Thinly slice Peppers. Slice Onion. Mince Ginger. Dice Pineapple. (I already had pineapple cut up for a fruit salad, so I just took a cup of it).

  4. Take out a medium to larger saute pan (I used stainless). Over medium heat add a drizzle of Olive Oil. Add Onion, saute for about 3min until glistening. Add Jalapeno, Saute. Add Ginger, saute to avoid sticking. If pan seems a little dry add more oil. Add the Sweet Peppers. Season with Garlic Powder, Salt and Pepper. Stir everything to combine. Cover for about 1min. You don't want to wilt the Peppers.

  5. Clear the center of the pan and add diced Chicken. Cover for about 3min then stir turning chicken until cooked through, about 8min. Season with Salt and Pepper. Add Pineapple and 3tbsp (or as much) Sauce as you want. Combine everything, cover and let simmer for 3min. Sauce should have thickened and start to bubble. Season with Salt and Pepper.

  6. Serve over Rice and garnish with Cilantro (optional)

Note** It may seem you're adding a lot of salt but I'm just add a dash of the shaker every time

Chicken Sausage Gnocchi w/ blistered tomatoes and kale

Chicken Sausage Gnocchi w/ blistered tomatoes and kale

Chicken and Turkey Pot Pie Please

Chicken and Turkey Pot Pie Please