
Welcome to my blog. Here, I post my love for cooking, gardening, interior decorating, and tending to our farm. Hope you have a nice stay!

Garden Gazpacho

Garden Gazpacho

I find that Gazpacho tastes best when the vegetables are grown from your own garden. 

Now, I had Gazpacho once when I was working at the UC. I didn't like it. It was chunky and didn't taste what I had imagined Gazpacho to taste like. After looking through a few recipes, I took parts from The Montana Cook Book from 1990 and flavors that I thought would please the palate. Gazpacho is served cold. Can you heat it up? sure why not, maybe add a side of grilled cheese.

....Serves 4-8


  • 1 large Cucumber or 3 mini

  • 2 Green Cubanelle Papper

  • 2 Cloves of Garlic

  • 1/2 large White Onion

  • 12 Plum Tomato, peeled

  • 1/4 cup Olive Oil, more to taste

  • 3 tbs White Wine Vinegar or Sherry

  • 1-2 Cup of Cold Water

  • 2 pinches of Salt/to taste


  1. Using a large food processor, add cucumber, pepper, onion and tomatoes 1/3 at a time. With the last 1/3 add garlic, olive oil and vinegar. Mix well and add water 1/2 cup at a time.

  2. Transfer to a large high rimmed bowl and use a hand blender to smooth it out. Some like the chunks. I don't. At this point taste it and add salt as needed.

  3. Refrigerate and serve COLD.

  4. Before serving, take out mixture and add more salt or olive oil to you liking. Adding more olive oil will thicken it up.

  5. Garnish: Diced pepper, cucumber, onion, toast bread

Blueberry Orange Peel Crumb Cake

Blueberry Orange Peel Crumb Cake

Chicken Sausage Gnocchi w/ blistered tomatoes and kale

Chicken Sausage Gnocchi w/ blistered tomatoes and kale