
Welcome to my blog. Here, I post my love for cooking, gardening, interior decorating, and tending to our farm. Hope you have a nice stay!

So you think you need a green thumb?

So you think you need a green thumb?

I don't have a green thumb. I just love greenery, plants and its flowers. Most of the time I forget to water the plants and only realize it when they begin to droop and become sad looking. But from trial and error I have found that it's better to underwater than over water. You can't really recover from root rot. Here you can see this plant was dying. I didn't know what the cause was. the weather was changing rapidly so my husband put it in the garage for the winter. The following spring we took it out, added some peat moss, steroids and placed it in a sunny location and WOW. It started to bloom early fall. Heh, who knew.


Mushroom Risotto w/asparagus and shrimp

Mushroom Risotto w/asparagus and shrimp

The Cats

The Cats