
Welcome to my blog. Here, I post my love for cooking, gardening, interior decorating, and tending to our farm. Hope you have a nice stay!

Tofu Tacos

Tofu Tacos

Don't be scared. My husband (the meat eater) even thought these were delicious. Cooking with tofu can be simple but also intimidating bc it has no flavor. Tofu is packed with protein which makes it a great substitute for those who think protein ONLY comes from meat. It doesn't. 


  1. 1 package of tofu extra firm
  2. 4 mini sweet peppers or as many as you want
  3. 2 garlic cloves, minced
  4. 4 tbsp Hoisin Sauce
  5. Sesame Oil
  6. 1 15oz can Sweet Corn
  7. 2 scallions, greens and whites seperated
  8. 1 tsp jalapeno
  9. taco shells or your choice


  1. Cut block of tofu in 1/2” squares and place on baking sheet with paper towels on the bottom and on top so it absorbs water for 15min. Slice up green onion, separating whites and greens. Mince garlic and very thinly slice peppers.

  2. Once tofu seems dry, toss it in 2 tbsp of hoisin sauce.

  3. In a large skillet drizzle sesame oil on medium high. Add green whites and peppers. Stir for 3min until soft and fragrant. Add corn, tofu, garlic and remaining 2 tbsp hoisin sauce. Lower heat and add green scallions. Stir for a few min until heated through. Season with salt.

  4. Serve on tortillas. 

Prepare the ingredients

Saute it

eat it

Blueberry Poptarts

Blueberry Poptarts

Baked Panko Haddock w/balsamic glazed asparagus + carrots

Baked Panko Haddock w/balsamic glazed asparagus + carrots