
Welcome to my blog. Here, I post my love for cooking, gardening, interior decorating, and tending to our farm. Hope you have a nice stay!

Miso Salmon

Miso Salmon

About a month back I bought a tub of miso at this Asian Market in town. Oh the recipes started running through my head. Miso dressings for salad, miso marinades and miso soup! Below is what miso looks like in a tub. It comes in a paste form and all you need to do is just add a liquid. 

Here I made a Miso Vinaigrette which was awesome in a soba noodle salad. I had a bunch left over and who eats pasta 2 days in a row right? I decided to use it as a marinade for some salmon filets I had. On to the recipe. 

Miso Vinaigrette

  • 3 tbsp Sesame Oil
  • 2 tbsp Miso Paste
  • 2 tbsp Seasoned Rice Vinegar
  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • 1 tbsp low sodium Soy Sauce
  • 2 tbsp water

-Mix everything together and add salt/pepper to your liking

-Take 2 pieces of 4oz salmon filets, pat them with a paper towel and lay them in a container skin up. Pour the 1/2 dressing over and coat the salmon for an hour. 

-Once ready bake in (toaster) oven at 400*F for 20min or until temp reaches 145F

-Mean while prepare your sides.

I made a Couscous Salad:

-Prepare couscous per directions. I usually use a 1:1 ratio so it doesn't come out too soggy. Once cooked, pour into a large bowl to cool off a bit.

I diced up a bunch of vegetables that I had on hand (cause a fully stocked fridge is what I live for)

  • Cucumber
  • Variety of mini Sweet Peppers
  • Dates
  • Cilatro
  • Red Onion

-Mix ingredients together and pour (start off with) 2 tbsp of dressing and add more if necessary. 




Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

Breakfast Pizza

Breakfast Pizza